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Prenatal and postnatal care : a woman-centered approach / edited by Robin G. Jordan, Julie Marfell, Janet Engstrom, Cindy Farley. - Ames; Wiley Blackwell, 2014 - xxviii, 668 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

pt. I. Physiological foundations of prenatal and postnatal care. 1. Reproductive tract structure and function / Patricia W. Caudle : Anatomy of the female reproductive system ; Menstrual cycle physiology -- 2. Conception, implantation, and embryonic and fetal development / Patricia W. Caudle : Conception and implantation ; The placenta ; The embryo ; The fetus -- 3. Maternal physiological alterations during pregnancy / Patricia W. Caudle : Hematologic system adaptations ; Cardiovascular changes ; Respiratory adaptations ; Renal adaptations ; Gastrointestinal adaptations ; Metabolic changes ; Skin changes ; Hair and nail changes ; Immunologic changes ; Neurological and sensory changes ; Musculoskeletal adaptations ; Endocrine changes -- pt. II. Preconception and prenatal care. 4. Preconception care / Victoria L. Baker : Challenges to providing preconception care ; Benefits of preconception care ; Evidence supporting preconception care ; Content of preconception care -- 5. Prenatal care: goals, structure, and components / Carrie S. Klima : A brief history of prenatal care ; Current goals for prenatal care ; Structure of prenatal care ; A new model of prenatal care: CenteringPregnancy ; Components of prenatal care -- 6. Nutrition during pregnancy / Robin G. Jordan and Julie A. Paul : Understanding food units ; Size of food servings ; Prenatal nutrition and health outcomes ; Nutritional needs in pregnancy ; Macronutrients: total energy ; Macronutrients: fats ; Macronutrients: carbohydrates ; Micronutrients ; Weight gain in pregnancy ; Food safety during pregnancy ; Factors influencing nutritional intake ; Making a nutritional assessment ; Counseling for optimal prenatal nutrition ; Special issues in nutrition -- 7. Pregnancy diagnosis and gestational age assessment / Janet L. Engstrom and Joyce D. Cappiello : Early pregnancy diagnosis and gestational age assessment ; Pregnancy diagnosis ; Gestational age assessment ; Counseling for pregnancy diagnosis -- 8. Risk assessment and risk management in prenatal care / Robin G. Jordan : Process and purpose of risk assessment ; Benefits of risk assessment ; Limitations ; Disadvantages of risk assessment and risk management ; Misapplication of risk assessment and risk management ; Perspective of risk and risk screening ; Explaining risk to women ; Potential problems of risk miscommunication ; Informed consent -- 9. Prenatal genetic counseling, screening, and diagnosis / Robin G. Hordan and Janet L. Engstrom : Family history and risk evaluation ; Genetic screening procedures offered to all pregnant women ; Ethnicity-based genetic screening ; Diagnostic prenatal genetic testing procedures ; Developments in genetic testing options ; Scope of practice considerations ; Ethical considerations in genetic screening ; Communicating about genetic testing and risk during prenatal care ; Psychosocial effects in genetic testing ; Perspective on genetic counseling during prenatal care -- 10. Assessment of fetal well-being / Jenifer Fahey : Physiological principles and indications for antenatal fetal surveillance ; Scope of practice considerations ; Antenatal fetal testing methods ; Education and counseling ; Cultural, personal, and family considerations ; Health disparities and vulnerable populations ; Legal and liability issues -- 11. Common disconforts of pregnancy / Robin G. Jordan : Back pain and pelvic girdle pain ; Bleeding gums ; Breast tenderness ; Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) ; Cervical pain ; Constipation ; Dizziness/syncope ; Edema ; Emotional changes ; Fatigue ; Flatulence ; Headache ; Heartburn ; Heart palpitations ; Hemorrhoids ; Increased warmth and perspiration ; Leukorrhea ; Leg cramps ; Nasal congestion and epistaxis ; Nausea and/or vomiting during pregnancy ; Ptyalism ; Restless leg syndrome (RLS) ; Round ligament pain ; Shortness of breath ; Skin changes ; Hair and nail changes ; Sleep disturbances ; Supine hypotension syndrome (SHS) ; Urinary frequency ; Urinary incontinence ; Varicosities (legs/vulva) ; Visual changes -- 12. Medication use during pregnancy / Mary C. Brucker and Tekoa L. King : Pharmacologic terms ; Types of pharmaceutical agents ; Prescriptive authority ; Governmental oversight of pharmaceutical agents ; The prescription: essential components ; Drugs and pregnancy ; Teratology ; Pharmacokinetics in pregnancy ; Rational use of drugs in pregnancy -- 13. Substance use during pregnancy / Daisy J. Goodman, Alane B. O'Connor, and Kelley A. Bowden : Risks of perinatal substance abuse ; Prevalence of prenatal substance abuse ; Definitions ; Historical approaches to maternal substance use ; Harm reduction approach to prenatal substance abuse Position statements on prenatal substance use ; Comorbid conditions and prenatal substance use ; Commonly abused substances and pregnancy implications ; Screening for prenatal substance abuse ; Brief intervention and treatment ; Smoking cessation during pregnancy ; Care of pregnant women with substance use disorders ; Referral to treatment ; Opioid replacement therapy in pregnancy ; Communication and coordination of care ; Neonatal abstinence syndrome ; Postpartum care ; Cultural considerations ; Personal and family considerations ; Scope of practice considerations -- 14. Social issues in pregnancy / Nena R. Harris : Poverty ; Incarceration ; Intimate partner violence during pregnancy ; Pregnancy and a history of childhood sexual abuse -- 15. Exercise, recreational and occupational issues, and intimate relationships in pregnancy / Meghan Garland : Exercise in pregnancy ; Environmental exposures in pregnancy ; Sexuality in pregnancy ; Working during pregnancy -- 16. Psychosocial adaptations in pregnancy / Cindy L. Farley : Maternal attachment and adaptation ; Sibling adaptation and attachment ; Partner adaptation and attachment ; Body image ; Childbirth confidence -- 17. Health education during pregnancy / Lisa Hanson, Leona VandeVusse, and Kathryn Shisler Harrod : Sources and quality of consumer childbirth education ; Prenatal visit approach to individual childbirth education ; Class education and group prenatal care ; Developmental considerations in prenatal health education ; Issues integral to prenatal education ; Prioritizing prenatal education needs ; Trimester-based approaches to prenatal education ; Cultural considerations ; Health disparities and vulnerable populations ; Documentation of teaching -- 18. Assessment and care at the onset of labor / Amy Marowitz : Determining the onset of labor ; Timing of admission to the birth setting ; What is "false labor"? ; Determining active labor ; Anticipatory guidance during the prenatal period ; Data collection ; Plan of care ; Sleep and rest ; Coping strategies and comfort measures for early labor ; Ambulation in early labor -- pt. III. Common complications of pregnancy. 19. Bleeding during pregnancy / Robin G. Jordan : Bleeding during the first half of pregnancy ; Evaluation ; Subchorionic hemorrhage or hematoma ; Leiomyomas ; Spontaneous pregnancy loss ; Ectopic pregnancy ; Gestational trophoblastic disease ; Early pregnancy bleeding and scope of practice considerations ; Bleeding during the second half of pregnancy ; Placenta previa ; Placental abruption ; Diagnosis and management of bleeding in the second half of pregnancy ; Scope of practice considerations in later pregnancy bleeding ; Family considerations in later pregnancy -- 20. Amniotic fluid and fetal growth disorders / Victoria H. Burslem and Cindy L. Farley : Amniotic fluid dynamics ; Normal placentation and fetal development ; Amniotic fluid disorders ; Fetal growth disorders ; Intrauterine growth restriction -- 21. Preterm labor and birth / Robin G. Jordan : Social and racial disparities ; Physiology of preterm birth ; Complications related to prematurity ; Risk factors for preterm birth ; Predicting preterm birth ; Diagnosing preterm birth ; Management of women with preterm labor ; Preterm birth prevention ; Progesterone therapy ; Cerclage -- 22. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy / Robin G. Jordan : Classification of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy ; Chronic hypertension ; Gestational hypertension ; Preeclampsia-eclampsia ; Preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension ; Preeclampsia ; HELLP syndrome ; Atypical presentation preeclampsia ; Prediction of preeclampsia ; Prevention of preeclampsia ; Long-term sequelae of preeclampsia ; Risk management issues in the office setting ; Interprofessional practice issues -- 23. Gestational diabetes / Kimberly K. Trout : Pathophysiology and potential problems of gestational diabetes ; Prenatal screening and diagnosis of GDM ; Management of gestational diabetes ; Oral medications for GDM ; Insulin therapy ; Fetal surveillance and timing of birth ; Postpartum follow-up ; Scope of practice issues ; Perspective on GDM risk -- 24. Other complications in pregnancy: multiple gestation, post-term pregnancy, hyperemesis, and abdominal pain / Tonya B. Nicholson : Abdominal pain in pregnancy ; Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) ; Multifetal pregnancy ; Post-term pregnancy -- 25. Perinatal loss and grief / Robin G. Jordan : Stillbirth ; Breaking the news ; Care and management of women with stillbirth ; Grieving and emotional care after perinatal loss ; Physical care after stillbirth ; Follow-up ; Interconception and subsequent pregnancy care -- pt. IV. Postnatal care. 26. Physiological alterations during the postnatal period / Kimberly A. Couch and Karen DeCocker-Geist : Uterus ; Lochia ; Cervix ; Vagina ; Labia and perineum ; Additional maternal alterations during the postpartum period -- 27. Components of postnatal care / Tia P. Andrighetti and Deborah Brandt Karsnitz : Assessment of maternal physical and emotional adjustment ; Activity/exercise ; Diet and nutrition ; Lochia ; Afterbirth pain ; Perineal discomfort ; Diureseis/diaphoresis ; Constipation/hemorrhoids ; Sexuality ; Resumption of menses and ovulation ; Contraception ; Postpartum physical examination ; Postpartum depression and domestic violence screening ; Postnatal warning signs ; Cultural considerations ; Health disparities and vulnerable populations ; Scope of practice considerations ; Legal issues -- 28. Common complications during the postnatal period / Deborah Brandt Karsnitz : Postpartum morbidity and mortality ; Postpartum cultural considerations ; Postpartum disorders -- 29. Contraception / Patricia Aikins Murphy and Leah N. Torres : Postpartum care and return to fertility after childbirth ; Considerations in selecting a postpartum contraceptive method ; Contraceptive methods ; Tier one methods ; Tier two methods ; Tier three methods ; Emergency contraception -- 30. Lactation and breastfeeding / Marsha Walker : Breastfeeding as a public health issue ; The unique properties of human milk ; Nutritional properties of human milk ; Maternal and infant anatomy and physiology of lactation and breastfeeding ; Promoting and supporting breastfeeding ; The basics of breastfeeding support and assessment ; Milk production ; Breastfeeding patterns ; Assessing intake ; Care of the breastfeeding mother -- 31. Common breastfeeding problems / Marsha Walker : Common infant-related breastfeeding problems ; Common maternal breastfeeding problems ; Breast engorgement ; Mastitis ; Abscess ; Low milk supply -- pt. V. Management of common health problems during the prenatal and postnatal periods. 32. Respiratory disorders / Janyce Cagan Agruss : Respiratory physiology and pregnancy ; Asthma ; Influenza ; Upper respiratory infection ; Pneumonia -- 33. Hematological and thromboembolic disorders / Julie A. Marfell : Anemia ; Iron-deficiency anemia ; Hemoglobinopathies ; Folate deficiency ; Vitamin Bb12s deficiency ; Unexplained maternal anemia ; Bleeding disorders ; Coagulopathies during pregnancy -- 34. Urinary tract disorders / Rhonda Arthur and Nancy Pesta Walsh : Urinary tract infection ; Evaluation ; Care of women with urinary tract infections ; Recurrent UTI ; Care of women with suspected acute pyelonephritis ; Nephrolithiasis -- 35. Gastrointestinal disorders / Audra C. Malone and Karen DeCocker-Geist : Gastroenteritis ; Intraheptic cholestasis of pregnancy ; Cholecystitis ; Appendicitis -- 36. Obesity / Cecelia M. Jevitt : Overview ; Prevalence ; Health disparities and cultural considerations ; Personal and family considerations ; Obesity physiology ; Potential problems associated with obesity in childbearing women ; Management of pregestational obesity ; Management principles ; Nutrition ; Weight loss concerns ; Physical activity ; Comfort measures ; Bariatric surgery ; Scope of practice considerations ; Legal and liability issues ; Intrapartum and postpartum issues -- 37. Endocrine disorders / Elizabeth Gabzdyl : Thyroid disorders in pregnancy ; Diagnosing thyroid disorders ; Overt hypothyroidism ; Subclinical hypothyroidism ; Screening for hypothyroidism in pregnancy ; Preconception care of a woman with hypothyroidism ; Hyperthyroidism ; Subclinical hyperthyroidism ; Thyroid storm ; Postpartum thyroiditis ; Pregestational diabetes -- 38. Neurological disorders / Tonya B. Nicholson : Care of the pregnant woman ; Care of pregnant women with headacle ; Care of pregnant women with multiple sclerosis -- 39. Dermatological disorders / Gwendolyn Short and Elizabeth Powell Holcomb : Atopic dermatitis ; Prurigo of pregnancy ; Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy ; Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy ; Pemphigoid gestationis ; Impetigo herpetiformis ; Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy -- 40. Infectious diseases / Jacquelyne Brooks and Elizabeth A. Parr : Cytomegalovirus ; Group B streptococcus ; Hepatitis infections ; Parvovirus B19 ; Rubella ; Toxoplasmosis ; Varicella -- 41. Sexually transmitted infections and common vaginitis / Meghan Garland and Barbara P. Brennan : Sexually transmitted bacterial infections ; Sexually transmitted viral infections ; Fungal infection ; Sexually transmitted parasitic infection ; Sexually transmitted bacterial infection ; Partner treatment of an STI ; Legal requirements for reporting STI diagnosis ; Psychosocial impacts of STI diagnosis -- 42. Psychological disorders / Heather Shlosser : Overview ; Depression during pregnancy ; Bipolar disorder in pregnancy ; Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) ; Scope of practice considerations.

9780470960479 (paper : alk. paper) 0470960477 (paper : alk. paper)


Neonatal nursing.
Neonatal Nursing.
Patient-Centered Care.
Pregnancy Complications--nursing.
Women's Health.

RJ254 / .P726 2014


WY 157.3 JOR 2014